What Keep us from Living Upto Our Potential and How to Overcome It?

What Stops Us from Living Upto Our Potential and How to Overcome the same by Mukesh Gupta Maximilien Van Aertryck and Axel Danielson are documentary filmmakers based in Gothenburg, Sweden, who have worked together since 2013. They created a short film where they recruited 67 people who have never jumped into a swimming pool from a height of 10m (by paying them an equivalent of 30 USD) and filmed these participants while they decided to jump or not and their actual jump. Maximilien, on his website says, People who have never been up there before have to choose whether to […]

What do Great Entrepreneurs do?

I was reading Seth’s new book – “What to do when its your turn [and its always your turn] and came across the section, where he writes – Great work is the result of seeking out tension and not avoiding it.. This got me thinking and I came to a slightly different realization than the one that Seth was alluding to in his book. I believe that this is exactly what entrepreneurship is all about. As entrepreneurs, we seek out tense situations and find creative ways to resolve the tension and make money in the process. I believe what separates […]

Reframing Failure as Iteration Fosters More Innovation

One of the biggest hurdles in fostering a culture of innovation in an organization is the fear of failure.  This is one of the most critical aspects of a culture. The fear of failure creates a lot of additional hurdles in the innovation process.  No Breakthrough Innovation: The biggest impact on the innovation process that the fear of failure can have is that this almost ensures that there will be no breakthrough innovation coming out of the innovation process. Any breakthrough innovation requires at some stage for the team to decide to follow an insight/idea that is unconventional or against […]