Hard Truths about Being a Leader

Everyone I meet in the corporate world wants to become a leader, irrespective of what their psychological disposition is. disproportionately high CEO salaries don’t help. Everyone wants to earn more and the fastest way to earn more is to get into the management cadre in an MNC. What people don’t realise is that becoming a leader or in the management cadre is not for everyone. Like any other job, it requires a very clearly defined skillset and mindset. Here is a list of things that you need to know before you aspire to become a leader in your organisation 1) […]

Three Key Skills All Great Leaders Share

Everyone at some point in time of their career aspires to become a leader and hence the abundance of research and literature about leadership, different kinds of leadership styles, roles of leaders, skills and tasks of leaders and the list goes on and on. In this vast sea of leadership literature, I want to share my pearls of wisdom as well. In my opinion, every one of us need to be working on ourselves to become a good leader, like everyday. This is not only beneficial when we become a leader, but will enable you to do well in your […]