How could SouthWest Airlines spend A Billion Dollars for IT Modernisation

One of the biggest news story this last Christmas season was the cascading effect of flights being cancelled by Southwest Airlines. According to their SEC filing, they had to cancel more than 16700 flights over the holiday period in December, costing them an estimated $725million-$825 million. The reason for this cascading effect was a perfect storm of outdated technology, a natural storm and their very own business model (point to point service instead of the hub and spoke model that almost all the other airlines follow). In a recent press release, their CEO Bob Jordan shared the following: We are currently […]

Designing in the Era of the Algorithms

  I came across this video by Josh Clark where he talks about the challenges and opportunities of designing stuff (products/services) in the era of algorithms. This is a must watch video if you are currently engaged in developing a product or service which uses machine learning or artificial intelligence. He points out some very interesting places where you could potentially go wrong. Watch, listen, understand and avoid these mistakes. Hope you like the video and learnt something important.

There is Algorithm and then there is a self-learning Algorithm

There is a lot of noise about the importance and how machine learning is changing the world of business and thereby world around us. There is a lot of examples being shared about the success of recommendation engines of Amazon or Netflix or even some retail giants. But is that really machine learning at work or is it still the work of some really smart and savvy programmers who have created an even smarter algorithm? Is the algorithm learning and creating a better algorithm than the one written by its creator? If yes, that would be a result of machine […]

The Role of Imagination in Creating The Next Set of Breakthrough Innovations

I stumbled across the article that Vannevar Bush wrote in 1945 for the Atlantic. You can read the entire post here. The reason I am interested in the post is because this post is a living proof about the role that imagination can play in the innovation process. He was able to predict in part what would the world look and feel like much ahead of his own time. What is interesting is also the method that he uses in order to come up with his ideas. Let me try to share what i learnt from his approach and how […]