Lessons in Storytelling That I learnt from TED Conference Speakers

Lessons in Storytelling From TED Conference Speakers by Mukesh Gupta Premise: Story telling has been one of the most memorable and influential ways to spread ideas. The TED conference is so popular because the speakers in the conference are mostly good at telling stories – stories that they are passionate about and that passion spills over to the audience and we are able to connect. Also, note that the duration of these talks are not very long. So, I wanted to learn if there are any story telling secrets that i can learn from the TED speakers. Also, I thought […]

Lessons in Leadership from An Elephant, A Rhino and A Penguin

Lessons from an elephant, a rhino and a penguin by Mukesh Gupta I came across this video from the FilmBilder channel (they were part of my 20 insanely interesting people I found in 2016) on YouTube, that symbolises what we see in and around us – at work and at home. First, lets watch the short 3 min video: This video is about three friends – An elephant, a Rhino and a penguin. It is winter and freezing cold all around. The elephant and the rhino are shivering with cold and are feeling miserable. Then comes the penguin – playing in the […]

The Art of Storytelling For Business

It is well known that all of us make most of our decisions based on our emotions rather than pure logic or intellect or rationality. So, if we are to influence people and their decisions, we need to learn about moving them emotionally enough to get them to make a decision in our favour. The best way for us to do so is by telling good stories, stories that they can related to and move with. I saw this video by Ameen Haque, who is the CEO of Storywallahs, which he delivered at the Google complex and was moved enough […]

Seven Secrets of Highly Effective Storytelling

If there is one skill that would help you to connect with your peers, customers, partners, spouse and kids equally and set you up for success, it is the ability to tell a story well. The most effective way to influence people is through powerful stories. The wonderful thing about this is that it is a skill that all of us can acquire with practice. I stumbled upon a video where J.D. Schramm walks us through seven secrets to effective storytelling. You can watch the entire video below. And if you are short on time, let me summarize the seven secrets […]