Insanely Interesting People who Influenced me – #8 His Holiness – The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

For the rest of the year, I would like to take a moment and thank the people who have had a significant impact on me as an individual. The way they have lived their lives and their body of work has had an outsized impact on how I think about life in general and and work, in particular. Some of these are contemporary thinkers and some of them are just a memory. Some of them are famous in their own rights and some of them are yet to be found by others. Some of them are young and some of […]

To succeed, Optimise the one variable that matters

Premise: One of the things that almost everyone of us does is to optimize. We optimise our time, our money and at times even our relationships. We want maximum efficiency in almost everything that we do. In organisations, we compensate sales guys on sales made, product managers on product development, marketing folks on leads generated, manufacturing folks on operational efficiency. Everywhere we look, we can find efforts to maximise efficiency in that part. This, in general, is our attempt to gain local optima. We try to reach optimal performance in that specific domain with no regards to the effect it […]

Seeds of success

Premise: After the hustle bustle and the celebrations of the new year, we are now entering the time of the year, which is fraught with opportunities and dangers in equal measures. This is the time to celebrate the past year, the peaks we scaled and give a pat on our backs for all that hard work. I am sure every team does that. This is also the time to reflect at the valley’s we encountered in the past year and think about the reasons we ended up in there. And think about what did we do get ourselves out of […]

A Blueprint for Success

Maya Hu-Chan wrote a blog post titled “Are you a global thinker” in which she explores what it takes to succeed in a global leadership role. She lays down a 5 step in becoming a global thinker: Understand your company’s global strategy and ambitions: Embrace a global mindset Get out there! Build a support system to sharpen global thinking Help others to think globally too If you look at the suggestions and read a countless other posts that talk about how to succeed in any realm of life, there are some similarities that I find. Reflect: Irrespective of the field of […]