Its Always The Little Things that Matter

[bctt tweet=”If you take care of the little things, the bigger things take care of themselves.. ” username=”rmukeshgupta”] I realised this yet again, when I was invited to the Hexa Experience Centre recently in Bangalore.  This was an event run by Tata Motors to promote their new SUV Tata Hexa. I was invited as a member of the blogging community – IndiBlogger. I also happen to be on the verge of looking for a new car for myself. So, on a hot Christmas day, I found myself driving to the Hexa experience centre. First things first. I did love the car […]

Saving the Nano….

After the fantastic launch of Tata Nano, the cheapest car in the world, we have seen that the fan fare and the interest levels have not kept up and there is a drastic decline in the sales of Nano and the Tata Motors management is working overtime to get this corrected and to generate interest. A big ad campaign has been launched. The results are yet to be seen. Tata Motors is trying hard to revive the fortunes of their Chairman’s dream project.  Safe and Secure: No one wants to buy a car which is considered to be un-safe. The […]