Flourish or Perish – We will be doing it Together

This TED talk by former CEO of Patagonia shows the scale of what is possible, if we have the vision and the leadership skills in place. Kristine Tompkins shares her journey from being a corporate CEO to being a nature conservationist. She shares the extent of the impact that one can have if only we are committed to the cause. She and her now deceased husband – Doug went about doing what they thought was the best thing to heal the planet. They put the larger good of our planet at the center of their lives for the past few […]

Staying relevant in A Fast Changing World

The 40 – 40 Chasm? Last week, I was attending a conference for senior marketers in Bangalore. One of the things that stuck with me from that conference was something that host Jessie Paul mentioned – the 40 – 40 chasm. She explained that if you are above 40 in age and earned 40Lakhs INR, you are supposed to be an endangered species in a corporate environment. She went on to talk about how most of us at this age have stopped learning and growing as individuals. What surprised me, even more, was the fact that most people in the […]

6 Ways to keep your thinking fresh

Realising The first step to keep your thinking fresh is the realisation that this is important and one needs to be intentional about this. Once, we put our intention behind this, our subconscious mind will take this as important and will keep noticing stuff that will enable us to find ways to keep our thinking fresh. Exposing The next step to keep your thinking fresh is to keep exposing yourself to fresh thinking happening around you. You could read books (or blogs), listen to audio-books (or podcasts) or watch interviews or keynote presentations (on youtube), attend conferences and network with […]