When Your Biggest Strength becomes Your Biggest Weakness

Premise:  Once advice that almost everyone agrees to, when it comes to defining our strategy (personal, professional or organisational) is that we need to “Play to your strengths”. If you are a business that has already seen some amount of success, the chance is that you know what your core strength is. So, you build on it. You continue to invest in your strength to get even better at it. You continue to invest until you are the best-in-class on this topic in the whole wide world. This strategy works really well, until it doesn’t. The  irony is that most […]

Three Rules for Success

I was checking out some of the folks that i am following on twitter to find out what they are tweeting and not just the tweets that i see on my twitter feed as the feed could be easily hijacked due to multiple reasons.  I saw that Clay Christensen had shared a TEDx Video on twitter. His first and only tweet in almost a month. That intrigued me and listened to the video and loved it so much that i had to share it with you all as Michael Raynor shares the rules of long term success and in a […]