Three Questions that matter the most for a Leader

Questions that matter the most by Mukesh Gupta When we look at all the aspects of leadership, there are three core and fundamental questions that matter the most to the people whom we intend to lead. Do You Know What You Are Talking About? The most important aspect of leadership, then is competence. Do we know what we are talking about? Do we know what the ground reality is? Do we understand the process enough to make sense? Do we know where we are going? And why? This competence creates a level of respect for us as leaders, without which there […]

PBTO43: How to Lead without Authority Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Email | RSS In the future of work that we envisage, one of the key skill that would be needed for anyone to do well is their ability to influence people (upwards/side wards/downwards) with or without formal authority. This is an ability that anyone can build provided one is deliberate about building the skill. Here are four things that you need to work on in order to build up your ability to lead with or without formal authority. Building trust – Your Track Record One of the most important component of influence or […]