Leaders Worth Following Know When to Go Against Conventional Wisdom

One of the athlete (the gold winner) adopted a unique strategy to win the race. The winner did something that has never been done before in such a race. The runner up (also Chinese athlete) did surprise everyone else and ended up winning the Silver medal (in tandem with the gold medalist).

They went past the conventional wisdom (which was that you start slow, stay with the pack until about 4-6 laps to go and then go all out for victory) and the winner broke out from the pack, when she was least expected and in the end won the race easily.

The effort which everyone else put at the far end of the race and compete with everyone else, she put in at the very start of the race and coasted to a win easily at the end.

Here are the lessons I learnt from this entire saga:

  • Effort spent upfront on any activity can lead to a significant impact on the stress and the ease at the far end of the activity. The total effort usually remains the same.

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