Passion vs. Productivity

In my opinion, passion and productivity go hand-in-hand. You can take any employee who is good at what he does, its highly likely that he is a passionate person. Now, the question is the following: Is he passionate about the work that he does or does his passion lie elsewhere? And does it matter at all.. I think that as long as a person is passionate about something in life, there is a good chance that he will do a good job of whatever he chooses to do. Think of a person who is not passionate about anything in life. […]

Interesting video on Customer Journey Mapping

[brightcove vid=1555685798001&exp3=1161665523001&surl=,AAABDijhm6E~,KTA4lk3W0bEbxmq0j80Lcwf2BI9MLRWg&w=480&h=270] Customer Journey mapping is a great technique to understand every single touch point your customers have with your organization and provides you opportunities to innovate around these touch points and delight your customers. The entire concept is nicely explained in theory and a case study. Enjoy!

Ideas for Big bazaar to improve their check-out situation..

I am one of the many people who dread the thought of going to Big Bazaar for shopping but do so due to other social compulsions. The reason I dread going there for shopping is the time it takes to check out once you have completed your shopping. There have been instances when it has taken me more than 60 minutes to check out. There have been times when I’ve dropped the articles I had selected after seing the que at the check-out counter and left for home as I thought it is not worth standing in a que for […]

Unfortunately, my prediction about Facebook comes true…

In January this year, in my blog post titled “Why is Facebook planning to go public now?”, I had predicted that all is not well with facebook and that is the reason for the timing of the IPO. I was way off mark in the speed that I thought things would pan out, only goes on to point out that the pace of change around us is astounding to say the least. Already, there are predictions being made that Facebook could die. I think it is a bit pre-mature to predict their death. They still have the people who could […]