How personal is your personalized customer service?

This is a hilarious video about visa’s personalized customer service.

My experience with the banks with whom I have a card account is eerily similar to the customer’s experience in the video.

1. I am always forced to listen to my balances whether or not I want to know about them.
2. I am always informed that the call maybe recorded for quality purposes. I dont know if it was or if it was not.
3. Even after having entered all the validation, I am again required to validate myself.
4. I am asked to be put on hold almost everytime I call, irrespective of the query.
5. There are times when all I want to do is to talk to a representative and be done with. Instead, I am forced to wait and wade through a lot of options (at times with no clear instructions on how to reach an operator).
6. When I do opt to talk to an operator, the wait time is so loong.

A simple solution to this problem could be to provide the following options:

1. Know your balances
2. Know your transactions
3. Talk to a customer service representative

There is a choice that the banks need to make regarding what is more important to them:

1. Is it satisfied & happy customers or
2. Decrease in the cost of managing the customer engagements.

There could be another alternative for the banks which could be a win-win arrangement for both the bank and their customers.

“Customers can talk to their service representatives once a week for free. In case, they do more than that, the bank can charge a small fee to provide the service”

Before making claims of personalized customer service, organizations should first ensure that their service truly is personalized. If not, it is better not to claim this as customers do understand the meaning of personalized and can di
Hope the banks and other financial institutions are paying heed to this advice and change the way they connect to their customers.

People – to – People banking services by CivilisedMoney

The Crowdsourcing business model has been around for sometime now and has proven to be a good business model for independent artists to fund their projects. Now, CivilisedMoney is trying to use the same concept to help peer-to-peer financial services in the UK. CivilisedMoney’s was founded by Neil Crofts and Jason Scottgoal. Civilisedmoney will use people-to-people networks to create an ethical, transparent alternative to the existing financial services industry. As they say – “It’s banking with people, not banks.” The concept is very similar to the age old concept of a co-operative bank or a chit fund operated in India. The […]

Great resource for entreprenuers

I came across a great resource for entrepreneurs to continuously learn different aspects of running a start-up or a small/medium enterprise. Mixergy is a great site for start-ups to continually learn from proven entreprenuers on how they ran their businesses. Everyday, they post an interview with a successful entrepreneur exploring his/her journey till date. The questions asked in the interview are intelligent and result in great insights for the listeners. These interviews are available for about a week on their website for anyone to listen free of charge. They also have a paid service (Courses that you can take on the different topics) which provides […]

Delighting customers – Whose job is it anyway?

There is enough being written about how important it is to keep your customers happy and progressively raise the bar & find ways to delight them (like Zappos continues to do with such regularity) However, whose job is it anyways? Is it the job of the customer service team (as they own the customer experience) the sales team (as they own the customer relationship) or the service delivery team (as they own the delivery of the product/service to the customer) or the product development team (as they design/develop the products for the customer) or the finance/billing team (as they own the final transaction with […]

It takes a team to win!

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