AUDI – Managing customer expectations?

I was at the UB city mall a couple of days back and was amazed at the brand new Audi E5 which was displayed at the mall. Right next to the car, there was a big poster asked prospective customers to SMS AUDI to 561611 for more information about the car. In my enthusiasm to know more about the same, I immediately complied and sent an SMS to the number mentioned on the poster.I was then waiting impatiently for either a SMS response or for someone at the AUDI dealership to call me and explain all the great new features […]

HCL is Obsolete Now, Says CEO Vineet Nayar

This is a bold statement to make for a CEO of a billion $ organization. It is also a provocative statement. What follows could determine the future of the organization. Any change process starts with instilling a sense of urgency within the organization that there is something that needs to change and it needs to change now. I think that is exactly what Vineet is trying to do within his organization. Next steps that HCL could take could be Identify and name a change champion high up in the organization who will be responsible to channelize all the energy that […]

Kinect + Tele-presence = ?

What can happen if the technology behind Kinect and Tele-presence come together to create an experience where you can not only meet virtually face-to-face but also interact with stuff in the virtual location as you would with stuff in your physical location. How will this change the way people interact with others virtually? Will this also have any effect on the amount of travel people do for business?

Disrupting the photocopier, scanner & TV

I read a post from Fred Wilson where he contends that the traditional photocopier business is getting disrupted by the smart phone. I think so is case with scanners also getting replaced slowly but definitely by the smart phones or the digital cameras.Also, I think with streaming content becoming more and more mainstream and features like projectors and 3D rendering screens become more common on smart phones, they might also threaten the conventional TV’s. Add to this the fact that each member in the family most likely already owns a phone and more often than not, spends more time with […]

Customer Satisfaction Sucks !!!

Yes. That is right. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SUCKS!!! In a networked world, customers today are spoilt by choice. Customer expectations are increasing every passing day.  What was exceptional yesterday is expected today and will become irrelevant the day-after.   World class customer experience is quickly becoming the price of entry. Also, Satisfied customers are so boring. &They do not demand more out of you (thereby not challenging you to continuously improve) &They instill a sense of complacency in your organization (which in today’s fast paced world can be very dangerous) &They do not go out of their way to promote your product/services […]