Customer Engagement (delight) at its best

The facebook team of posted on their pagethe following post: They got about more than 300 responses to thisquestion. One of the responses was the one below:  They selected this fan, called her and offered herto choose a watch from their collection and they will ship it to her mom forfree. She was totally wowed!!! The team does not stop there. They take herpermission to post their conversation as a video on their facebook page (whichshe gladly agrees to – who wouldn’t in her position ;-)) Now, there are even more people who are wowed by thevideo and here […]

Customer Engagement – What if your customers do not engage with you?

There is a lot being said about the customer centricorganizations and how businesses can involve customers at different stages of product/servicedevelopment. There have organizations that have done this verysuccessfully and continue to engage with their customers. I did write about onesuch initiative that FM station RadioOne recently. However, what happens if your customers do notparticipate in these activities? Without their active participation, the entireprogram is designed to fail.  How does one deal with this situation? How would you deal with such a situation? 

Caught you!

While driving to my office today morning, I saw avery common sight in Bangalore (and in any city in India). There were 3 trafficcops waiting at a busy T-junction. Now imagine, you are in a hurry to reach your office(or wherever you are going). You see that the signal has changed form Green toYellow and you are right at the turn. You race to cross the signal before thesignal turns red. Alas! The signal wins the race and just turns to Redat the instant you are taking the turn. Bang! The waiting cops pounce on you and slap afine or […]

Death of the Car Audio Systems

After a lot of deliberation, I recently bought aSkoda Fabia for myself. As part of the negotiation, the dealer offered to providea Sony Car audio system for free (along with a few other goodies). I was happy withthe deal I got. When I was driving back home, I thought that therewas no need for a car audio system, if it was possible for me to connect myphone to the in-built speaker systems that is a standard fitting for the modelI bought. My mobile has all the songs that I like along with an FM/AM radio tuner. So, for all practical […]

Innovation – Re-birth of a paint can?

Have you ever wondered why paint containers (infact, most containers) are cylindrical in shape? Why not any other shape? Is itbecause cylindrical shape has advantages over other shapes or is it because oftradition (this is how it has been done for centuries)? When I thought about it, I did what people usuallydo now-a-days – Googled it. I found some very interesting stories and designs: A see-through container made using PET. Moreinformation on the same here.This helps customers to see the color even before buying it, thereby making thepaint selection process easier, fun and results in a higher customersatisfaction. A square […]