Lessons from a start-up which shut shop..

I started a small distribution business sometime back in a small town called Salem in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. I had a decent run with the business but had to close it down due to multiple reasons like the business was not able to scale, I started having cash flow issues as the receivables were spiraling out-of-control, etc. I ran the business for about a year and a half and these years taught me more about running a business than any amount of reading or teaching could. Yesterday, I was asked by someone about my experience during this […]

Meetings, meetings and more meetings

We all have been through a lot of meetings and know that a lot of these meetings are Mis-managed Kill time Reduces organizational productivity Boring Yet, we can’t do away with meetings completely as they are also required to do business. There are many ideas to improve the effectiveness of these meetings. Seth Godin in his blog talks about Making meetings more expensive which will ensure that there are less of meetings and would be more productive. Some un-conventional ideas to make meetings interesting and little more productive could be Have stand-up meetings. No place to sit down. No meeting […]

WOW !!!

Imagine the following situation: “You have just finished your meetings in a city and want to fly back home. You board a flight and just before the flight can take off, the flight attendants come out and enact the safety measures on-board the flight.” Now let’s stop here and think about this. –       How many of the passengers do you think actually watch the flight attendants go through the routine? Not many, I am sure (including me). –       Is it important for the passengers to know this information? Definitely.   –       How many of the flight attendants do you think […]

Best sales and Business books in 2010

I read a post by Erica Stritch on the best sales and business books for 2010 and was impressed by the books that made it to her list. Among other books, she also mentions the following books, which I have personally found both interesting and inspiring for a sales person:  SNAP Selling – Jill Konrath The Little big things – Tom Peters Linchpin – Seth Godin Mojo – Marshall Goldsmith Drive – Daniel Pink Do you know of any other book which is interesting and in the same league as the one’s I found interesting?