6 Ways to Solve Difficult Problems

Lately, I have been talking a lot about how to be creative on demand. I have shared my learning and insights with my colleagues, students, startups, leaders and creative professionals. This is one of the most fundamental abilities that we need to master if we want to do really well in our professional and sometimes personal lives. You can watch the recording of one of these sessions here. I have also shared my perspectives on “Where creative ideas come from” in earlier blog posts as well. So, the question then is why another blog post about the same topic? That’s […]

How Change will Change You by Jessica Hagy

If you have followed my blog for any duration of time, you would already know that I am a big fan of Jessica Hagy and there have been many a blog posts on this blog that have been inspired by something that Jessica created. Here is one that she has written (I am only used to her pictograms) that is brilliant – both in the content and in the ease of reading. I don’t think I want to say anything at all. Just read the post here (is a bit long, but easy to read).

Where do Ideas Come from?

I was recently speaking to a group of students about how can we learn to be creative on-demand and was asked this question. The student asked is there a way we can categorise all the different ways we can come up with a creative idea. This is another way of asking – Where do Ideas come from? I have written about this in the past here, here, here and here. There are multiple different ways to look at this question from. One way is to look at this from the lens that Steven Johnson wrote about in his best selling […]

How to Teach Young Adults to Identify Fake News? Make a Game they can Play!

I recently read this article about a new video game that is on Kickstart that allows young adults to learn about how to distinguish between real and fake news. You can read the article here.  I believe this is a great idea for the following reasons:  People learn a lot when they are having fun and don’t think about learning. I wrote about the concept of head fakes in my post about what I learnt from Randy Pausch’s last lecture. You can read that blog here. If the team designs the game well, which I believe they would, the chances […]

Scaling a Creative Solution to a Tough Problem

One of the key environmental challenges is the accumulation of plastic waste in our oceans. There are a lot of people who are trying to solve this specific problem in their own ways. Some have built trash collecting robot boats, and other devices. I came across this interesting solution that AB Inbev is implementing in Mexico. You can read about this solution and more information about the project here. The company that owns the Corona brand of Beer found an interesting way to solve this problem in Mexico. The company runs a competition amongst fishermen. The competition is based on […]