Great use of Social Media

Japanese car maker Nissan wanted to showcase the benefits of electric cars and promote its award winning electric car – Nissan Leaf, in the UK. Their approach was fresh, engaging & effective. Nissan used Twitter to engage with its target audience. Nissan enlisted a series of Leaf cars as taxis and offered a free ride to anyone who tweeted their destination on twitter along with the hashtag #6XCHEAPER. Authors & content marketers have been using the ‘pay-by-tweet’ option for sometime now with moderate success. The combination of online engagement with offline engagement proved to be a clincher for its customers. […]

Why Dan Pink’s radical prescription for sales could be misleading

In his blog on HBR, best selling author Dan Pink argues that paying commissions to sales people has  a counter-intuitive effect of undermining enterprise profitability. You can read his post @ I would agree with him on most of his arguments. However, as with most theories, this theory has its limitations as well. In my opinion, sales commissions work if the following conditions are true: The sales process is simple and involves only the sales person with no dependencies on any other colleague. There is no upper limit on the commissions that he/she can receive. Earnings via commissions (as a […]

Step by step guide for success with social media

In the past week, I have now met three people who head marketing functions for their organizations and all three have complained about how their foray into social media has received such a lukewarm response. They all indicated that they are not sure if this is something they should continue to support or just let it die their natural death. They were not the only one’s who were finding it difficult to sustain the initial rush of getting on to social media. So, clearly there is a need for a detailed framework or a step-by-step guide which organizations can use […]

What should twitter do?

Recently, there has been a lot written on Twitter sending emails to users to lure them back to twitter. In my opinion, instead of trying to lure the casual users back to twitter, they should be thinking about why are they not using twitter more often. I know quite a few casual users of twitter and based on my discussions with them, I think twitter should give a thought to the following: 1. A new user generally done not know, what to do once they sign-up. What can twitter do to ease this confusion. They can send a link to […]

Interesting video on Customer Journey Mapping

[brightcove vid=1555685798001&exp3=1161665523001&surl=,AAABDijhm6E~,KTA4lk3W0bEbxmq0j80Lcwf2BI9MLRWg&w=480&h=270] Customer Journey mapping is a great technique to understand every single touch point your customers have with your organization and provides you opportunities to innovate around these touch points and delight your customers. The entire concept is nicely explained in theory and a case study. Enjoy!