Book Review: 15 Minute Pause: A Radical Reboot for Busy People by Michelle Burke, Lilamani de Silva

Overview: — I got this book as an advance review copy. Michelle and Lilamani have done a great job in writing this as a workbook.. Ease of reading: — The book is written in a very simple to read language. As this is written in the format of a workbook, this is best read over a long period of time, doing the exercises that they suggest, reflect on the questions that they pose and trying out some of the ideas that they suggest. So, this book will not be effective or useful, if you just read through the book. What […]

Convenience Trumps Everything Else

Premise: I have realised this truth: Convenience trumps everything else. If you think about it, almost everything that we do, we do because it is convenient, not because it is the right thing to do, not what we say we want to do, but what is convenient to do. We want to eat healthy. But we end up eating fast food or canned food because it is convenient to order something on the supermarket aisle or order a fast food, than going to the market, buying vegetables, cook fresh food and eat it. We want to read or write a […]

Why Some Ideas Never Get Heard!

Premise: I have been reading and writing about ideas and how ideas spread and the role they play in innovation. However, there was a question that almost always bothered me – Why some ideas, despite being great ideas, never got the traction they deserved, both within an organisation and in the marketplace. The answer to this question was provided by Nilofer Merchant in her TEDx talk that she shared on her blog. If this is a topic of interest for you, i would strongly recommend that you start following her blog and the work that she does. Here is the […]

The Power of Framing

If you were offered $5 today versus $10 in a month, what would you prefer? This is the exact question that was asked in a psychological experiment, which has been repeated multiple times by different experimenters and it looks like most of the people who participate in the experiment tend to choose option 1, i.e., $5 today over the $10 in a month. This proved to the experimenters the existence of a bias that we tend to value short term rewards more than long term rewards, also called “temporal discounting”. When the same question was reframed as “Would you prefer […]

Best Among What I read This Week – 7th March 2019

Here are some of the posts that i really enjoyed reading this week: Seth Godin in his inimitable style talks about “Concept Cars” and how they are a tactic by the Automotive industry to make us feel bad about our old model of car and also keep nudging us to continue to accept technology and cars which will not be available in the market for years to come.. Great post! Steve Hunt poses the question – Why Managers Don’t Coach Employees – and How to Fix It and answers it in a logical and concise manner. Emily Gosling shares her unique […]