Underwater bar in a Submarine

Really, an amazing idea.. A war machine, now converted into an entertainment hub.. Now, what would be even more interesting is if they are able to take this submarine to various cities around the world and invite people from that part of the world to experience this idea.. They could even have a space where people who visit the submarine can leave their hand-prints or something personal as a memory..

The Seven Core Tenets of Anticonventional Thinking

The Seven Core Tenets of Anticonventional Thinking. This makes a very interesting read. Most of the tenets of ACT (anti-conventional thinking) goes against traditional brainstorming or idea generation processes. I guess that is why it is called Anti-conventional. Though I agree with most of what is being subscribed, I have to say that this is very difficult process to use in a traditional organization. This needs highly creative and self-assured people, who can take criticism,  build on ideas (thiers and others), and trust each other a lot! If any of the above are not present, this could be a recepie […]

Changing how we approach work

Enough has been said about Google’s 20% time for personal pet projects and the different products that have come out of these projects for Google. A lot of other organizations try and adapt in their own way and implement it in their organizations. However, not many have been successful. Last week, 37Signals.com, on their blog announced that they are going to give a month off to all their employees (except for support teams, which will participate, which will be on top of their existing work. A month off, and an option to work on any project that you want, with […]

Passion vs. Productivity

In my opinion, passion and productivity go hand-in-hand. You can take any employee who is good at what he does, its highly likely that he is a passionate person. Now, the question is the following: Is he passionate about the work that he does or does his passion lie elsewhere? And does it matter at all.. I think that as long as a person is passionate about something in life, there is a good chance that he will do a good job of whatever he chooses to do. Think of a person who is not passionate about anything in life. […]