Leaders Worth Following Know How to Design our Behaviors

I read this post titled “The Door is Not the Problem” on GapingVoid blog and was reminded of a couple of things that are important to remember if we want to be a leader worth following. Firstly, we need to realize that our behavior is much more impacted by our environment than we think. Every element of design of a product or service or the way we design our environment (intentional or unintentional) – it has elements of affordances and signifiers (Affordances are what the design makes possible. Signifiers make you aware of these possibilities). Consequently, how we design our […]

Leaders Worth Following Know When to Go Against Conventional Wisdom

I had seen this TikTok video a few months back and remembered about this again when I saw this LinkedIn post by Dr Paige Williams about the importance of knowing about positive deviance and how leaders worth following know when to apply this concept of positive deviance. In this TikTok video, Arielle Schmitt shares the strategy adopted by the Chinese team in the Youth Olympics. One of the athlete (the gold winner) adopted a unique strategy to win the race. The winner did something that has never been done before in such a race. The runner up (also Chinese athlete) […]

Five Ingredients of True Improvement

In my last post, I wrote about the difference between Change and progress. Today, let’s talk about progress from the point of view of improvements. In one of his lectures, Peter Scholtes talks about 5 ingredients of true improvement. While his lecture is at least 30 year old, the principles he laid out still are practical and applicable to any innovation or change or improvements that we make in how we run our business. This is true for any innovation efforts or for any change that we want to make as a leader in how we operate. PS: If you […]

Leaders Worth Following Understand the Difference between Change and Progress

The most common cliche today is “The only constant is Change”. As with everything else, not all change is created equal. In my experience, not all change leads to progress. Leaders worth following know this and are always intentional about any change that they are advocating for. They are always looking at and talking about the progress that the change will lead us toward. If there is a re-org being initiated, it should actually lead to a change in behavior for everyone who is impacted by the change. If the behavior of people affected by the initiative doesn’t change, then […]