Leading Successfully in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Premise: I was talking to a friend, who is also the President of a mid-sized business earlier today and we were discussing his role as a leader of the organisation. He was recently promoted to this new role and was sharing some of his challenges with me. One of the things that he shared was the speed at which everything is changing and how difficult it has become for him to not only keep track of all of these changes but also to respond to them intelligently and in a way that drives the business outcome that he is trying […]

How to Deal with The Abilene Paradox

Premise: I stumbled on to The Abilene Paradox earlier today. You can watch a movie where the creator of the paradox – Jerry B Harvey, tells the story of how he realised the presence of this paradox and how prevalent it is in all walks of our lives. I knew that people do go along to get along and sometimes that leads to groupthink, which is not good for any business. However, I did not know that it had a name, was studied deeply by someone and how prevalent this is. Even though there is enough research has been done […]

Difference between Human and Artificial Intelligence

Premise: There has been a lot of commentary on the coming of age of Artificial Intelligence in 2023 and how it might even affect the jobs of 300 Million people worldwide. I also read an article on HBR about how good leaders will be hard to replace with AI. There have been discussions around the ethics and intellectual property rights of how these new age algorithms have been trained and the biases inherent in them. Many doomsday predictions have been made. Some thinking has also gone in on how we can work together, helping each other so that we can […]

Infectious Generosity

Premise: I watched this TED talk delivered by Chris Anderson and was inspired by this. He tells a lot of stories that have sparked the imagination of people, who went on to spread a lot of joy by being generous and creative. I also like the concept that Ben Zanders talks about in his book, The Art of Possibility, about “Giving an A”. At the beginning of every class that he teaches, he tells his students that he will give them an “A” as their grade, provided they write him a letter, dated the day their class finishes (and in […]