10 Things to Stop Doing This Year to Become More Effective

One of the most expensive gift we all have is the 24 hours we have in a day. If we want to improve our effectiveness, we need to learn to be able to do more in less time. So, in order to do more , we need to do less. So, I have created a list of things that i shall stop doing in 2015 so that i get the time to do things that matter to me more. Here is my list of things to stop doing in 2015: Stop Procrastination Stop Multi-Tasking Stop Trying to Please everyone Stop […]

When Does True Learning Happen?

Imagine that you are a piano virtuoso and are  invited to play  in a series of live concerts all through summer in a different country. So, what do you do? You practice your part diligently and are excited and ready to perform your piece. Due to some reason, you have not been able to practice with the entire orchestra, but that doesn’t matter much as the orchestra and yourself are professionals and know your entry’s exits and more importantly, the conductor of the orchestra can take care of that. So, you go on stage all prepared and the orchestra starts… And […]

Personal Focus in a Word for 2015

I read on Mitch Joel’s blog about the concept of 3 words in a year that Chris Brogan started and Mitch and others have made into a tradition. I tried this out last year and decided to go with a single word instead of three – “Transformation”. I must say that this helped me a lot by being my compass in everything that i did and I grew more than I had ever did. You can find my post at the start of the year and my self-appraisal at the end of the year. So, it is time to pick […]

Making Choices – The Most Important Job of a Leader

Seth Godin published a blog about Choices and how these choices define the kind of people we become. As an entrepreneur or a business owner, it is even more important to understand and improve how we create and make choices. It is in fact the only thing that a business owner is responsible to do – to make choices – whom should he hire; should he hire or not; what work to do himself and what to outsource or delegate; which project to start and which one to stop; which one to ship and when; should he take funding from a VC or to […]

A Blueprint for Success

Maya Hu-Chan wrote a blog post titled “Are you a global thinker” in which she explores what it takes to succeed in a global leadership role. She lays down a 5 step in becoming a global thinker: Understand your company’s global strategy and ambitions: Embrace a global mindset Get out there! Build a support system to sharpen global thinking Help others to think globally too If you look at the suggestions and read a countless other posts that talk about how to succeed in any realm of life, there are some similarities that I find. Reflect: Irrespective of the field of […]