Lessons in Storytelling That I learnt from TED Conference Speakers

Lessons in Storytelling From TED Conference Speakers by Mukesh Gupta Premise: Story telling has been one of the most memorable and influential ways to spread ideas. The TED conference is so popular because the speakers in the conference are mostly good at telling stories – stories that they are passionate about and that passion spills over to the audience and we are able to connect. Also, note that the duration of these talks are not very long. So, I wanted to learn if there are any story telling secrets that i can learn from the TED speakers. Also, I thought […]

The Hard Thing About “Digital Transformation”

The Hard thing about Digital Transformation by Mukesh Gupta Premise: Everywhere you go on the internet, there is one thing that is prevalent. No, I am not talking about Donald Trump, though he seems to be prevalent almost everywhere as well. I am referring to “Digital Transformation”. I have been reading about digital transformation everywhere i go on the internet for sometime now and yet, I don’t yet see true success story of a brand or a business that has actually successfully gone through and transformed, in the true sense of transformation. The question is why is this so? Any […]

What Keep us from Living Upto Our Potential and How to Overcome It?

What Stops Us from Living Upto Our Potential and How to Overcome the same by Mukesh Gupta Maximilien Van Aertryck and Axel Danielson are documentary filmmakers based in Gothenburg, Sweden, who have worked together since 2013. They created a short film where they recruited 67 people who have never jumped into a swimming pool from a height of 10m (by paying them an equivalent of 30 USD) and filmed these participants while they decided to jump or not and their actual jump. Maximilien, on his website says, People who have never been up there before have to choose whether to […]

Lessons in Leadership from An Elephant, A Rhino and A Penguin

Lessons from an elephant, a rhino and a penguin by Mukesh Gupta I came across this video from the FilmBilder channel (they were part of my 20 insanely interesting people I found in 2016) on YouTube, that symbolises what we see in and around us – at work and at home. First, lets watch the short 3 min video: This video is about three friends – An elephant, a Rhino and a penguin. It is winter and freezing cold all around. The elephant and the rhino are shivering with cold and are feeling miserable. Then comes the penguin – playing in the […]