Leadership Workshop That I Cant Recommend Enough

Tim Ferris in his podcast always asks each one of his guests this one question What spend of 100 USD or less has the most impact in your life? If I were asked this question, I have no doubt in my mind that the single 100 USD or less purchase that has had a profound impact on my life has been the investment of 90USD that I made to participate in a leadership workshop organised by THE SETH GODIN. The workshop started at 12:30 AM, yes half past mid-night and went till 3:30 AM in the morning. I was active […]

Building Agility – Meta Skill that Organisations Need to Learn #FutureOfWork

One of the key skills that organisations need to learn in a VUCA world is organisational agility. The only way that an organisation can build agility is when the flow of information is quick and as far as possible, unfiltered and bi-directional. It is not enough for leaders to share their visions, plans, strategies and the impact these are having on the business and their customers.. It is as much, if not more critical that they get first hand unfiltered feedback from the people who are at the frontline, employees who are interacting with the customers and partners and vendors.. […]

Creating a Culture of Accountability

One of the biggest challenges that leaders face in creating a culture of high performance is their ability to create an environment where their teams are accountable for their results that they have committed to achieve. Creating a culture of accountability is exactly that — creating a culture. It is not easy and it starts with them. They are the custodians of the culture within their organisations. The culture is created one action at a time of the leader. So, if you want your teams to be accountable, you as a leader need to be accountable. So, what does being accountable […]

A Taste of Leadership – The transition from Either/Or to Both/And

I had the opportunity to watch a TEDx Talk delivered by Alf Rehn recently and blown away by not only the way he delivers the talk but also the way he presents a very important concept – we are today in an economy where we, as leaders need to move away from the either/or (ex: either your are process driven or you are creative) mindset towards “Both/And (you are both process driven and creative, based on the need of the hour) mindset if we are to tap into the creativity of our teams and succeed in an ever changing, fast […]

ABC of Being a Good Manager

Today, I was talking to a friend who leads an business function within his organisation and we were talking about leadership. When I asked him, what were his top priorities as a leader for his function, he gave me his priorities as below: Alignment: Ensure that there is alignment between what the business wants to achieve and what the individual employees want to achieve. This is critical as this creates an organisation where everyone is running in the same direction (for whatever reasons) and hence creates momentum and the opportunity for great team work to flourish. Behaviour: As a leader, […]