Forgive, Forget and Renew Your Relationships

Today, we celebrate Holi – a festival of colors. This is also a festival when we encourage people to forgive, forget and re-new all our relationships! This festival is all about giving another chance to ourselves and restart the year with a clean slate. Organizations, like individuals, also develop good, bad and worse relations with other organizations (customers, partners, etc). It would do the organizations (CEO’s and leaders) a world of good, if they also did something like this With partners Re-new, reiterate commitment to work together & support each other. Ask them the question – “How do you think […]

Simple but not easy

The solution to most complex problems that you could ever encounter are almost always Simple, but not easy! You want to increasei your profits; Solution is to grow your sales and reduce your costs, together. Simple, but not easy. You want to increase your sales; Keep your existing customers happy so they buy more from you and keep adding more customers to the system. Simple, but not easy. You want to reduce your costs; reduce and eliminate all activities that do not contribute to either acquire or service a customer. Simple, but not easy. You want to transform yourself from […]

Why I consider Marissa Meyers decision a step in the right direction for Yahoo!

There has been enough being said about Marissa Meyer’s memo to all Yahoo employees about asking all employees to report to work in office and not work remotely. Most of the media and other leaders in the industry have gone on record saying that this is a step back into the past for Yahoo! Most have shared statistics about the higher productivity that people have been reported among people working from home or remotely and how other organizations are fostering creativity and encouraging more people to work remotely. I, however, agree that this is a step in the right direction […]

When someone says “why reinvent the wheel?”

When someone says “Why reinvent the wheel?” , I am tempted to think that the person is trying to maintain the status quo and avoid change, change that is inevitable, change that is better embraced than resisted. I do agree that there could be times and situations where you really do not need to reinvent the wheel.  However, I believe that if you put your thoughts on a topic, you can always find ways to improve upon your previous attempts. It is even more important if you are talking about any of the important functions in your organizations like sales, […]

3 things you can do daily to become a highly successful leader

I have come to believe that the things that matter most in any relationship, this includes your relationship with your direct reports as well, is the small things that you do daily. Here are 3 things that you can start doing today to improve your relationship with your team: Talk to everyone in your team at the start of the day. Everyday. This can be for a minute or 5 minutes. But do this as a ritual. You can say hi or ask them how did that meeting go or how was their day yesterday or even inquire about their family if […]