Building an effective marketing strategy..

I am surprised at the lack of organizations with good marketing strategy. Doesn’t matter if they are  large MNC’s with millions of dollars of marketing budget or a start-up with minimal budget. I am sure that everyone in the marketing world understands the importance of having a solid strategy! Most marketing efforts fail in the face of unclear strategies. Good strategy can not only improve the effectiveness of your efforts but will help in reducing the total cost. But most importantly, it will help your customers to buy more from your sales teams. With the emergence of new media, more […]

Interesting advertisement that left me wanting for more..

The latest ad from Airtel (HFZ) has left me wanting for more. I think the reasons the ad works for me are: Everyone has friends and some special friends. So, the ad which is primarily shot with young college kids also connects with everyone at an emotional level. The music & lyrics are very peppy and put life in the concept. This is also because, everyone of us have friends who fit each description they have used in the lyrics. I think that Airtel needs to come up with service offers which can feed off from this advert. Maybe introduce […]

Leveraging virtual connections

Yesterday, one of my friends said that he needed some help to find himself a part-time job in the bay area and if I know someone who could help him land this. He wants to shift base from India to the US so that he can run his start-up. The only people I know in the bay area are on Twitter. Now, given this situation, I want to explore if I can leverage these connections on the virtual world to help my friend in need.  Now this raises a few questions which I will seek answers for by trying to […]

How to deliver a killer presentation

Today, I was going through my video collections and stumbled upon the video of my (6 year old) son’s graduation day speech which he delivered using a power point slide show. Now that I watch the video and remember the slides that he used (which I prepared for him with my wife), I can not help but get awed at the enormous potential we all possess as children. As my son was 6 year old when he delivered the presentation, we could not use bullet points or text in the slides.  We were forced to use only pictures that we […]