Before Doing, There is Being

Last evening I was having trouble getting to sleep. So, I got up and went down to the swimming pool area and sat down on the chair next to the pool. I was not carrying my phone or a book or anything else with me. It was just me, nature and the sound of water flowing from the pool. There was something soothing about this soft noise of flowing water and moonlight. I think I sat there enjoying the moon light, a light breeze and the sound of flowing water for about half an hour. It felt like forever. I […]

How To Make Good Decisions

One thing that follows us all day around is the need to make decisions. Right from the time we wake up to the time that we go to sleep, we keep making decisions, one after the other. Some of these decisions are simple and don’t impact our lives much, while some of these decisions could have an everlasting impact on not only our lives but also those that live with and around us. We also have learnt from research that There are a lot of biases that are inherent in our thinking and can creep up in our decisions affecting […]

Strategies for Avoiding Distraction and Increasing Your Productivity

I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday (you know who you are) and the conversation steered towards how difficult it has become for either one of us to be able to do distraction free, focused effort to think deeply. About anything. We are constantly distracted. We keep switching tasks. We are continually distracted by our environments, our devices and our primal need for novelty. Yes, you read it right. Our brain constantly searches for stimuli that can help it to fight, flight or freeze if necessary or something interesting, funny that can give us a dopamine hit which […]

Increase your Luck | Tina Seelig

Watch Tina Seelig, a Stanford professor, teaching entrepreneurship, talk about how to make our own luck. Its a simple two step process:  Take small risks and go outside our your comfort zone.  Look at everything you experience through a lens of possibility.  Small 11 min video but when implemented can make a big impact on our lives. Watch it here. 

Leadership Effectiveness – Questions to Ask of Ourselves

As leaders, the way we behave when we are alone or amongst a group is always noticed by everyone around and has an impact whether we like it or not and whether it is intentional or not. So, it is better to be intentional about the kind of impact that we want to have rather than leave that to chance. So, in order to learn how to go about being intentional about the impact my emotions have on people around me, I registered and attended a session on Emotional Intelligence and how we can use the concepts and frameworks to […]