Tips for Executives to Continue to Remain Effective

One of the biggest traps that effectives fall in is to become too busy in transactional stuff and lose sight of their role. This happened to me in my first stint as a founder/CEO and it almost cost me the business, which I eventually got out of. I have since learnt that it is a good idea if you could step back a minute before doing anything and ask your self the following questions: – Is this the best thing to do, given the current circumstances? – Is this the right time to do this? – Is this the best […]

Heart Beat

What Can Business Leaders Learn from Our Heart

Situation: My health check and my son Last week, I was at a hospital for the first of my regular (hopefully) health check. The doctor was checking my blood pressure and told me that it was slightly on the higher side and that i need to make sure that it doesnt go higher.  When my 9 year old son came to know about this, he asked me the reason for high blood pressure and this lead to a discussion about the functioning of our hearts. When I was explaining the functioning of the heart, I realized the importance of rhythms […]


Gratitude, Celebrations and Progress

This post is the 300th post on this blog. This calls for two things actually: Gratitude: One of the most important things in life is to show gratitude for everything that is good in our life. Gratitude and thanks are due to every single reader who have supported this blog by reading, subscribing and sharing the posts on the blog. So, THANK YOU! Your constant support is what makes the time and effort that i put in to write, even more worthwhile. I can only hope and request you all to continue to support the blog by not just reading/sharing […]

Business Networks

Building Sustainable Competitive Advantage in a Networked Economy

Sustainable Competitive Advantage One of the most fundamental pillars of any successful strategy is an organizations ability to create and sustain a competitive advantage, create a niche, business practice, product, service that only is a differentiator for the organization in the market. Some organizations use patents, some use product design (Apple), some use their ability to innovate and come up with new market categories (Uber, 3M, Proctor & Gamble), some use their ability to manage cost (SouthWest Airlines), some use their scale of operation& Gamble, Colgate), some use their customer focus (Amazon, Zappos, Ritz Carlton), some use a combination of […]

Why Clay Christensen and Michael Porter Could Both be Wrong About the Future of Higher-Ed

The Stand Off: There has been a lot of buzz around Harvard Business School starting their own version of MOOC, HBX, and the debates and arguments between two of the best minds in strategy in the world today – Clay Christensen & Michael Porter. By creating HBX, Harvard finally decided to bet on Porter’s strategy, that the core business strategy of a firm should remain unchanged and every part of the business need to reinforce this core strategy. There has been a lot of debate about who among the titans has got this right. Both could be wrong In my […]