Do Something

Yesterday, I watched something that I thought was special. I watched Michelle Obama issue a rallying cry to Americans, “TO DO SOMETHING”, which resonated with the audience enough to get them chanting – “DO Something”.

You can watch her full speech here. I always wondered why is she not going after the office herself, but I guess we will see about that.

Now, I believe that the difference between a leader and someone who is not a leader is that leaders “Do Something” about things.

When you see injustice and you do something about it, you are a leader.

When you see someone struggling at work, and you do something to help them, you are a leader.

When you find discrimination of any kind, and you do something, you are a leader.

When you see someone struggling to solve a problem and you do something to help, you are a leader.

When you see someone’s potential and you do something to realise that potential, you are a leader.

When you see someone doing harm to others and you do something, you are a leader.

When you look for the best in people and do something to bring it out to the world to see, you are a leader.

When there is trouble and you do something to protect people from it, you are a leader.

When there is a lot of pressure on people to deliver, and you do something to help them relieve that pressure, you are a leader.

When there is fear in the minds of people, and you do something to relieve it and transform the fear to hope, you are a leader.

When there is confusion in the minds of people, and you do something to give them clarity, you are a leader.

When there is chaos in the organization and you do something that creates a sense of calm, you are a leader.

You don’t need someone to give you a title for you to become a leader. You become one, when you DO SOMETHING.

Leadership is a decision to act and Do Something, not a position to aspire for.

And then, there is this.

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