Insights on Leading for Innovation

I watched this conversation between Mo Gawdat, former Chief Business Officer for Google X, tech entrepreneur, and author of the best-selling books “Solve for Happy“, “Scary Smart” and “Unstressable” on the High Performance podcast and found myself rigorously nodding my head in agreement or going wow, why did I not think about it like that.

If are a leader who wants to lead a team of innovators, spending this hour listening (and hopefully adopting some of his ideas at work) to this conversation.

Usually, when I like a video, I try to list down the things that I learnt from the video. However, I will refrain from it today, as I do not want to give a shortcut for all of you to just read my notes in a few minutes and not spend the hour listening to Mo.

My notes from this video are for my personal reference. Please listen to him and make your own notes. You can watch the conversation here.