Leaders Worth Following Understand the Difference between Change and Progress

Why so many change initiatives don’t lead to progress:

  1. Some change initiatives do not lead to progress as they are managed poorly. It can be due to the way they rolled out the change or how it was supported. The right stakeholders are not involved in the process which leads to resistance to the change.
  2. Sometimes, it could also be that the organization has become change averse or numbed to any change initiative due to the organizational memory of the past initiatives, where nothing changed except for who reports to whom.

If we want to become Leaders worth following, we need to understand the key difference between change and progress.

I define progress as any change that increases the velocity of progress towards our organizational goals or improve the probability of us achieving them.

We need to be look at every change initiative and find out what progress will that lead to and communicate and focus on that (as most of the times, we dont have an option not to change).

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