Masterclass – Leading Transformation

Learn the Art (and Science) of Leading Large Scale Transformations!

— A step by step guide to running a transformative change program!

Do you lead a transformation (digital) project in your organisation or community?

Ever thought – “Why is it is so difficult to get people to change their behaviour?”

Why do people say they will do something, go out and do completely different thing?

Why is it that you spend so much time managing stakeholders that you don’t have any time left to do what is necessary? 

Why is there so much resistance to change, even though everyone realises that the change is critical for survival? 

Why does it feel like we take one step forward and two steps back? 

If you struggle with any of the above questions, this masterclass is for you. 

In this masterclass, you will build the skillsconfidence, and become part of a supportive community that you will need to drive transformation in an ever evolving environment.

You will learn how to become a change agent by pushing boundaries and leading others to do the same.

You will learn to spot the traps to avoid and springboards to leap off to success.. 

By completing this masterclass, you will re-discover your potential to lead and make a difference!

Here is what the past participants of this course have to say about their experience:

Who is the course for?

This course is for you if 

  • You have been identified to lead or are leading a transformation effort in your organisation or
  • You would like to drive a grass-roots led transformation either in your organisation or in your community
  • You want to learn the skills to become a change agent

What will be covered?

Over a series of 4 masterclasses, you will learn: 

  • What it means to be a change agent and the leadership skills needed to drive transformation
  • Learn how to bring others with you to create a movement for change
  • Understand how to use influence or persuasion effectively to support your change efforts
  • Learn how to enable change in complex environments
  • How to take action and realise the changes you want to create
  • Learn to spot traps and springboards

How much does it cost?

499 SGD 

How will the masterclass be conducted? 

The masterclass will be conducted via Zoom meetings. These will be interactive meetings which will require that you join and participate in all the activities. You will also be expected to keep your video on all the time during the masterclass. 

When are these masterclasses scheduled? 

The sessions are scheduled on the following dates: 

  • 4th Sep 2021 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM Singapore time

Sign up now before seats get filled – limited seats only. Please note that we will never share or sell your email addresses. Ever!!!

Who is Mukesh Gupta

He is an experienced facilitator, course creator, a design-thinking coach and has run his own successful businesses. Mukesh has been working on successful change and transformation for the past decade. He has led/facilitated/advised several dozens of successful transformation journeys.

He understands the pains and challenges  that a change leader face when leading their teams through a transformation journey – and how to prevent or overcome them.

He is the author of three books, host of the popular podcast – Pushing Beyond the Obvious and the popular blog – Leading Transformation.

He is a design thinking coach, ex-business man and an experienced facilitator. 

Register to join the masterclass on “Leading Transformation” as a change leader !!! 

We have limited seats, so sign up now!!!