Lessons in Leadership from the movie “Raayan”

Courtesy: https://x.com/dhanushkraja/status/1800144006917284076

I recently watched the Tamil language movie – Raayan and really liked the movie. It is a typical commercial movie, following the life of three siblings with the eldest one trying to protect the younger one’s.

Here is the plot according to Wikipedia:

The film follows Kathavaraayan “Raayan”, a fast-food hotel owner in North Chennai, who begins to protect his family when they inadvertently get muddled in a war between two rival gangs.

Here are a few lessons in leadership that I took away from the different characters in the movie:

Patience is a great virtue until it no longer is. There is always a time to be patient and wait for things to unfold. However, there comes a time when definitive action is the need of the hour.

As a leader, it is our responsibility to know when it is time to be patient and when it is time to take definitive action.

When you decide to take on somebody, it is crucial to understand their strengths and weaknesses. You do that not only by studying them but the systems and structures that support them.

No one becomes big without putting in place systems that uphold them. If we really want to win, specially if it is against the odds, it is crucial to not just understand them but also their systems and norms.

Every leader in the movie has a small set of people who advice them on how to handle any given situation.

The quality of advice they get from these advisors has an outsized impact on the quality of decisions made by the leaders, which ultimately determines the success or failure of these leaders.

So, it is crucial to choose these advisors with utmost care and ensure that we do whatever is necessary to ensure their loyalty (being loyal to them is a good place to start).

The whole story is centered on a character who is impulsive and how one of his impulsive actions lead to a chain reaction, which ends with the character dead and in the process destroying a lot of things with him.

We all know the importance of being intentional about what we say and do as a leader. Being impulsive and too quick to act is the opposite of being intentional.

There is no guarantee that being intentional will lead to the right action but you can bet that impulsive action will lead to bad outcomes.

All of us have pre-disposition to behave in a particular way in a given situation or tendencies. It is important for us as leaders to know our tendencies and also those of everyone on our team.

When put under stress, we typically react according to our tendencies and knowing these before hand can help us be intentional in whom to expose to stress in which conditions so we get the result we desire.

In conclusion, all I would like to say is that while the plot of the movie is simple and straight forward, the way Dhanush unravels the story is noteworthy.

The characters are distinct and clearly defined. The way the story moves is gripping. The editing is crisp. The cinematography is on point, capturing the captivating actors. The music by AR Rahman is simply put, relevant and adds character to the storytelling.

While this movie is made for our entertainment, I have learnt a lot about human psychology and at the same time lessons in leadership were reinforced.

I would rate the movie highly (4/5) and highly recommend that you watch the movie when possible.