How To Make Good Decisions

One thing that follows us all day around is the need to make decisions. Right from the time we wake up to the time that we go to sleep, we keep making decisions, one after the other. Some of these decisions are simple and don’t impact our lives much, while some of these decisions could have an everlasting impact on not only our lives but also those that live with and around us. We also have learnt from research that There are a lot of biases that are inherent in our thinking and can creep up in our decisions affecting […]

Making Choices – The Most Important Job of a Leader

Seth Godin published a blog about Choices and how these choices define the kind of people we become. As an entrepreneur or a business owner, it is even more important to understand and improve how we create and make choices. It is in fact the only thing that a business owner is responsible to do – to make choices – whom should he hire; should he hire or not; what work to do himself and what to outsource or delegate; which project to start and which one to stop; which one to ship and when; should he take funding from a VC or to […]

The Art and Science of Timing Decisions

This is a very interesting post by Jonathan. He talks about the two differing points of view on decision making – Instintive decisions (as argued by Malcolm Gladwell in his book “Blink” and taking time to make your decisions (as argued by Frank Partnoy in his book “Wait: The art and science of Delay”. In my opinion, what style you use to make decisions is mainly a function of your personality. For example, I prefer instinctive decision making and that has worked really well for me. So, we should reflect about our own personality and use what works best for […]

Insanely Interesting People who Influenced Me #18 Daniel Kahneman

The author expresses gratitude to various individuals who’ve shaped their outlook on life and work, including thinkers, leaders, and artists. A significant figure is the late Daniel Kahneman, whose research in Behavioral Economics and decision-making wisdom, articulated in “Thinking Fast and Slow,” profoundly influenced the author. This piece serves both as an acknowledgment of Kahneman’s genius and as an inspiration to others.