Instead of Firing Employees, It is time to Love them!

For a lot of people around the world, today is a day that marks the celebration of love and lovers. The origin of the festivities are not clear though. You can find a lot more about the potential origin story of the day here or here. There has been a lot of people being let go from their jobs in the last few months. On top of that, given the current socio-political-economic situation that we are living in, I would not let any opportunity to celebrate go by. So, the question I want to ask or explore today is the […]

PBTO: Stepping into a World of Exponential Possibility with Sophie Krantz Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Email | RSSIn this episode of the podcast, we host the inimitable and unapologetically ambitious, Sophie Krantz. We had a conversation about leadership and the need for economic growth and opportunity. We discussed the possibility of creating positive change in the world through frameworks like exponential organization (ExO) and coaching ordinary people to do extraordinary things. In this wide ranging conversation, we discussed – The importance of seeing the world as one and the need to overcome fears and limiting beliefs to achieve breakthrough growth. – The value of immersive experiences and tapping […]

Lessons in Life and Leadership from the Game “Snakes and Ladders”

When I was young, we used to play this game of Snakes and ladders. It was one of the best pastimes I had. So, I look at it with a lot of fond memories. Yesterday, I stumbled onto this version of the game and it made me think a lot about how insightful the game was at multiple levels. The game offered insightful glimpses into life, risk and a lot more. As I have mentioned before, as humans, we are meaning making creatures. As leaders, we would all do really well to make our own meaning of this game and […]

Becoming Leaders worth Following: The Importance of Nuance

Premise: If there is one thing that we lack in our society and as an extension within our organisations is nuance. Almost everyone is polarised on almost every issue. We forget that there is not many things in the world that can be binary in nature. However, almost all the conversations we are having in public or private seems to be binary in nature. In terms of good and evil. In terms of left or right. In terms of oppressors or oppressed. In terms of aggressors or defenders. In terms of right or wrong. In terms of intellectual or emotional. […]

Imposter Syndrome

Premise: One of the things that I have experienced myself and heard from many other leaders is the feeling of being an imposter. Everyone of us at some point in time, have felt the feeling of being an imposter. Sometimes it could be because, we don’t see what someone else sees in us, as capability and/or potential. Other times, it could be that we are not sure if we deserve the leadership position that we currently occupy, specially when we see some really good people on the team. This is self-doubt. In my opinion, any good leader, worth their salt, […]