Your First 100 Days

Premise: I was teaching a set of people principles of intrapreneurship and at the end of the class, some one came up and asked me for help. He said that he has got a new role as a product manager in his current organisation and is not sure what he can do in the first 100 days to help put him on the path of success in his new role. Here is the advice I had for him. Be a Visionary Leader: This works if you are being brought into the role from outside of the organisation. One reason why […]

What Successful Marketing looks like

I see marketing as successful if The focus of the effort was the consumer and she doesn’t feel like she is marketed to but feels like someone understood her better! She doesn’t feel like she is part of a target market but like an individual that she is! You have a conversation with her and not talk to her! When she feels and interacts with the marketing activity but doesn’t see it! It creates a emotional relationship with her along with a transactional relationship! This is simple but not easy!    

3 Character Traits of a Good Innovation Manager

Premise: Almost every CEO that i meet wants to find out a way to out-innovate their competition. They want to innovate to improve their profits. They want to innovate so that they can help their customers innovate. And in the same breath, they also say that almost all their innovation projects are either struggling to take off or have not yielded the kind of results that looked possible. They all want to know what could be the potential reasons and what can they do to address this situation, given their current limitations. If there is only one thing that if […]

Learning to Deal with Artificial Intelligence

In an MIT Review post, Liesl Yearsley a serial entrepreneur who has developed AI bots, shares her first hand experience of how we are susceptible to influences by Artificial Intelligence. Every one of us needs to read this post and understand how susceptible we are to the powers of AI and more so to the influences of those who control these AI bots. With persuasive technologies and the combination of the fact that as humans we do crave for deep relationships (as it turns out, it doesn’t matter if the other partner is a human or an AI bot), we are […]

Innovation = Finding New Problems X New ways to solve problems

  I read a post “See differently, to solve differently” by Mike Shipulski. He argues that innovation is all about solving problems (new/old) in different ways (new/old). There is great potential in solving new problems in new ways. He also argues that in order to solve new problems, we need to identify the new problems and one way of doing that is to look at the problem in new ways. He argues Systems are large and complicated, and problems know how to hide in the nooks and crannies. In a Where’s Waldo way, the nugget of the problem buries itself […]