3 Ways to Trick Ourselves to do What We Hold Most Important

One thing that I have understood very clearly after reading the research from various behavioural scientist is that, we as a race still haven’t developed the ability to decide when presented with complex choices. Another insight that i have from this body of work is that it is easier to hack our environment, thereby hacking our behaviour than directly attempting to hack or modify our behaviour. Our ancestors intuitively understood a lot of these phenomenon and created cultures full of ceremonies and rituals. Ceremonies and rituals that allow us to do what is good for the group and for ourselves. […]

PBTO50: Understanding Why We do, What We do with Dilip Soman

http://traffic.libsyn.com/pushingbeyondtheobvious/50_PBTO50__Creating_Choice_Architecture_that_Works_for_You.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Email | RSS Who is on the show: In this episode we host, Dr. Dilip Soman. He is a behaviour scientist and the author of the book  The Last Mile, and is a Professor of Marketing and holds the Corus Chair in Communications Strategy. His researches behavioural economics and its applications to consumer wellbeing, marketing and policy. He is also the director of the India Innovation Institute at the University of Toronto. He works with ideas42 and serves as advisor to a number of welfare organizations. Why is she on the show: In his […]

What Drives Innovation

Every leader wants to build a culture of innovation in their respective organisations. There is enough written about how one can go about building a culture of innovation. I have myself written about it as below: Everyone wants to innovate but no one wants to fail, How do you innovate “Innovation”, What stops Us from Creating Breakthrough Innovations, Building a Culture of Innovation by Creating A Structure for Unstructured Innovation and many more. As atoms are the most fundamental unit of matter, imagination, more importantly, the ability to imagine is the most fundamental unit for all innovations. The ability to imagine is […]

PBTO49: Our Bias Against Creativity and How to Overcome it with Jennifer Mueller

https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/pushingbeyondtheobvious/49_PBTO49__Our_bias_against_creativity_and_how_to_overcome_it_with_Jennifer_Mueller.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Email | RSS Who is on the show: In this episode we host, Dr. Jennifer Mueller. She is the author of a recent book Creative Change, and is a faculty of many top business schools including the Wharton School, Yale School of Management and NYU’s Stern School of Business.  Her paper, “The Bias Against Creativity,” went viral and was downloaded over 65,000 times—receiving more than 100 media mentions. Why is she on the show: He book Creative Change, tackles a very important topic. While it is a no-brainer that almost all organisations would like to innovative […]

How to Get Better at Dealing with Change

We live in an age where we see accelerating change all around us. Large, extremely successful businesses go bankrupt in a matter of years, if not quarters; companies with billion dollar evaluations are born in the matter of years; as consumers, there is something new that is becoming a rage almost every week. Change is all around us. Whether we like it or not, we will have to deal with change – in our personal lives as well as in our professional lives. The question then is the following: Do we embrace change and benefit from it or resist change […]