So, What Drives You?

Last week, I completed 3 years of blogging on wordpress. When I started on this journey three years back, I did not realize where this will take me. However after 3 years and 246 blog posts, I feel that I have only started to warm up. There is still a lot to talk about and a lot to learn and discuss.

As each milestone that passes does, this one made me to sit down and think about what keeps me going.

I would like to think one of the most important thing that keeps me motivated to keep writing blog posts is the fact that with each blog, i get to learn something new, about the topic and about myself. This discovery process is what keeps me motivated and helps me continue to on this journey to self discovery.

Unless we know what drives us, it is very difficult to do work that matters.

So, what is it that drives you to get up and do what you do every day? 


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