The Key to Building High Performing Teams

People will do things that they are measured on, incentivised and that leads to be celebrated by their leaders. Many leaders often make the mistake of misaligning what is measured, incented and celebrated. The key to be intentional about designing behaviors that could unleash the potential for high performance is to ensure that all the three (behavior that is measured, incentivised and celebrated) are completely aligned. This is so simple and maybe that is why so many leaders miss doing this.

Starting a Digital Transformation Journey

Premise: It seems like there can’t be a day that goes by when I don’t hear the word transformation being tossed around, usually with the prefix – Digital. At a deep level, I think everyone knows and understands that transformation of any kind is not only difficult but in most cases has an extremely low probability of success. The term digital transformation is a misnomer which has quite a lot of people confused. It is first and foremost transformation, of course enabled by digital technologies but people confuse this with digital becoming the operating word instead of transformation. This is […]

ABC of Being a Good Manager

Today, I was talking to a friend who leads an business function within his organisation and we were talking about leadership. When I asked him, what were his top priorities as a leader for his function, he gave me his priorities as below: Alignment: Ensure that there is alignment between what the business wants to achieve and what the individual employees want to achieve. This is critical as this creates an organisation where everyone is running in the same direction (for whatever reasons) and hence creates momentum and the opportunity for great team work to flourish. Behaviour: As a leader, […]