How could SouthWest Airlines spend A Billion Dollars for IT Modernisation

One of the biggest news story this last Christmas season was the cascading effect of flights being cancelled by Southwest Airlines. According to their SEC filing, they had to cancel more than 16700 flights over the holiday period in December, costing them an estimated $725million-$825 million. The reason for this cascading effect was a perfect storm of outdated technology, a natural storm and their very own business model (point to point service instead of the hub and spoke model that almost all the other airlines follow). In a recent press release, their CEO Bob Jordan shared the following: We are currently […]

Our Intimacy with Technology Products

Premise: We bought a robotic vacuum cleaner sometime back, one that keeps roaming around your home, around obstacles and vacuums the entire home by itself. You could also set a timer to decide when it will start the cleaning efforts. Within a month of buying it, my wife started referring to the bot as “Kanta Bai” (Bai in Hindi typically means a helper) and even spoke to her, questioned her about where she is heading and having imaginary conversation. Quickly i started doing the same and shortly my son followed suit. I think we have this innate need to name […]

Coming to a Concert Hall Near You, The next music superstar – AIVA, Artificial Intelligence

I watched this TED video where Pierre Barreau presents music that was created by an artificial intelligence called AIVA and was blown away. He and his team were able to feed into an algorithm a whole array of music which then was analysed by a neural network and the application is now able to compose original music based on input criteria. It decides what note should come after a specific note when we are looking for a certain kind of effect the music should create in a listener.  Watch his TED Talk here. After watching his TED talk, I went ahead […]

Designing in the Era of the Algorithms

  I came across this video by Josh Clark where he talks about the challenges and opportunities of designing stuff (products/services) in the era of algorithms. This is a must watch video if you are currently engaged in developing a product or service which uses machine learning or artificial intelligence. He points out some very interesting places where you could potentially go wrong. Watch, listen, understand and avoid these mistakes. Hope you like the video and learnt something important.

The Role Entrepreneurs Can Play To Bring The AI Revolution to Work With Least Disruption

Premise: There is a growing realisation amongst us in the world that we are currently just moving towards a future where most of the existing jobs will be taken over by AI and robots. While there are a lot of people who will say that the future where we will be either working along with AI or robots or even lose our jobs to them. There are already robots and AI algorithms which are helping do jobs that lawyers, doctors, writers, journalists, musicians, artists, accountants and analysts. Accounting Standards & AI: One of the things that was surprising to me […]