Changing Beliefs Vs Replacing Beliefs

A couple of days ago, I took a flight from Mumbai to Delhi for work and when I was stepping out of the flight in Delhi, I saw the pilot for the next leg of the journey walk in. He then did something that was totally out of context but showed his culture and character. He bent down and touched the entrance of the aircraft and then with the same motion, touched his forehead. For all the Indians out there, you know exactly what this means.  He was praying to the aircraft. In Hindu tradition, you touch the feet of […]

What is a “Useful Belief” that can help you Move Forward Today?

The amazing Lisa O’Neill recommended that I read the book “Useful Belief” a couple of weeks ago in a session that she was hosting. I picked up the book at my local library and was really surprised (in a good way) when I was able to read the book – back to back in an hour and a half. More importantly, the book was full of useful lessons that can help us lead a better life. My one sentence take from the book is very simple. Most of what we believe is not true anyway. So, why not believe in […]