How To Come Out Stronger and Ready to Thrive Post Crisis

Premise: We are already seeing a lot of signals in the economy of the upcoming tectonic shifts and the ripples that they will cause.   We have a record number of publicly listed companies in the US deciding not to give out dividends so that they can conserve cash.   We’ve seen announcements from large firms indicating that the majority of their workforce will now work from home permanently.   We have seen businesses starting to cut salaries {and in some cases not pay any salary at all}.   We have seen massive amounts of people losing their jobs {in […]

20 Insanely Interesting People I Came to Know in 2016

One of the things I do over time is to discover new people and learn from new sources. I had shared my earlier list of 25 insanely interesting people in 2014. You can find that list here. So, here is a list of some of the insanely interesting people that i came across in 2016. I do hope you will find some of these people and the great work that they are doing interesting enough to start following them. I must say that I was fortunate enough to discover these people online and learn so much from them. I do hope that […]

PBTO43: How to Lead without Authority Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Email | RSS In the future of work that we envisage, one of the key skill that would be needed for anyone to do well is their ability to influence people (upwards/side wards/downwards) with or without formal authority. This is an ability that anyone can build provided one is deliberate about building the skill. Here are four things that you need to work on in order to build up your ability to lead with or without formal authority. Building trust – Your Track Record One of the most important component of influence or […]