PBTO4: Getting Hooked On Customers With Bob Thompson

Welcome to episode number 4 of “Pushing Beyond the Obvious”. In this episode, we have with us Bob Thompson, CEO & editor of www.customerThink.com, the biggest online community about customers and customer centricity. Bob has recently released his book #HookedOnCustomers. We shall talk to him today about what does customer centricity mean and everything that goes along with it. We talk about The fact that most customer centric organizations are such, because their operational fabric is such that they do listen to their customers and act upon it and this is not part of a special program or a project. […]

Are Twitter Contests the Next Big thing in Customer Engagement?

In the last 2 weeks, I have seen a flurry of twitter contests being run by various brands, including news channels (ABP News), Software Marketers, Film studios, Fashion brands, TV stations, Online retailers, Comedy shows and a lot more. The common themes in all these contests were: –       You are enticed to participate in the competition via the possibility to win a gift coupon or some sort of prize –       You are required to follow the brand’s twitter ID. –       You are required to answer a set of questions and retweet the questions to your followers In my opinion, the […]

Engaging Your Customers Is Not Sufficient Anymore

We are in an era where we are grappling with too much choice.  Consumers today are facing a challenge in keeping up with the different choices they have. Every product or service category has become crowded (maybe apart from some categories like online search, where Google still continues to have substantial market share). In this scenario, having a meaningful engagement with your customers has become table stakes for any business to survive and thrive. So, the question that every marketer grapples with is “How can my Product/service stand out in this crowded marketplace?”. Some marketers try to stand-out by providing […]

Dear Facebook: Please Give Us A ‘Sympathize’ Button

Vinay Iyer recently wrote a very interesting post about the importance of Capturing the real 360 degree ‘Voice of the Customer. You can read the post here: Dear Facebook: Please Give Us A ‘Sympathize’ Button. There are some very interesting things that he talks about: Find smart ways to “mobilize the promoters” and “recover the detractors. He also explains why context is key in any form of survey done with the customers. Though, I agree with all of his suggestions, I still think that this is a reactive way to engage with your customers and could work for simple transactional situations. […]