Masterclass: Leading Large Scale Transformation

In this masterclass, I share my insights on some of the most important things that we need to keep in mind when we are leading large scale transformation efforts. (You can watch the recording here.) Once the transformation is initiated (inspired or for survival), there are 4 phases: 1. Initiate: This phase is all about explaining the reason behind the transformation, recruiting your change agents, identifying the different stakeholder groups and understanding our own apetite for change or transformation. This phase is all about building the foundation on which we can lead our transformation effort. 2. Mobilise: This phase is […]

The Power of Noticing

Premise: One of the key skills that we need to develop if we want to be leaders, in general, is our ability to notice things. This is a meta skill, that once we learn, can be extremely useful in many spheres of our lives (work, home, community, etc). What can we do about this: The key to increasing our ability to notice is, to slow down. I am guilty of not doing this often. A lot of people that I know are guilty of the same as well. We are all so busy doing stuff (emails, meetings, preparing and delivering […]

Becoming Change Agents..

Whether we like or not, we are all involved in some form of transformation at any given time. Some of these transformations are self initiated, at times they are forced upon us, on our companies, industries or even economies. It is in our own interest to learn how to navigate these changes. The best way to do that is to learn to become a change agent and lead the change instead of allowing the change to lead us. Being or becoming a change agent is not simple. We need to learn specific skills around managing and leading change. Unfortunately, we […]