Changing Beliefs Vs Replacing Beliefs

A couple of days ago, I took a flight from Mumbai to Delhi for work and when I was stepping out of the flight in Delhi, I saw the pilot for the next leg of the journey walk in. He then did something that was totally out of context but showed his culture and character. He bent down and touched the entrance of the aircraft and then with the same motion, touched his forehead. For all the Indians out there, you know exactly what this means.  He was praying to the aircraft. In Hindu tradition, you touch the feet of […]

Reinventing Ourselves

There are times when the environment that we operate in changes so significantly that it requires us to reinvent ourselves (as individuals, leaders and teams). There could also be situations that we end up in which requires us to rethink and reinvent ourselves if we are to remain relevant in the new environment. I currently find myself in one such cross-road where I need to reinvent myself if I want to remain relevant, which I very much want to. This led me to start thinking about what it takes to “Reinvent oneself” and here are my thoughts on this and […]