Streets, Roads, Stroads and Leadership Effectiveness

I was listening to a podcast episode on 99% Invisible hosted by the inimitable Roman Mars and they were talking about Stroads, which piqued my curiousity. So, today, we will explore this topic but from a leadership lens. Before we go ahead, I think it makes sense for us to define each one of these terms and what it means. Roads: A road is defined as a medium to move vehicles (cars, trucks, etc) from one point to another as quickly as possible. By this definition, all your highways and express ways are all roads. Streets: Street is a medium […]

Customer Service

I watched this short film titled “Customer Service” and was left with the following thoughts: 1> How nice would it be if all customer service departments function this way 2> How nice would it be if all customers were kinder to the customer service representatives. It also reminded me of a post that i had written a while back. You can find it here. Watch the short film here:  

The Art of Customer Delight – Every Little Thing Matters

I was out shopping with my wife and son at a large 3 floor retail outlet. We were looking to buy something for all three of us and as is normal, spent quite a bit of time at the store. It was then that I felt thirsty. I approached an employee and the conversation that took place was something like this: Me: I am feeling thirsty. Can you pls tell me where can I find some water? Employee: Sir, you need to go to the 2nd floor. That is where you will find the water filter. Me: Don’t you have […]

PBTO22: Growing Your Business By Building an Army of Zombie Loyalists – @PeterShankman

In today’s episode, we host Peter Shankman. He is an author, entrepreneur, speaker, and worldwide connector. He is recognised worldwide for radically new ways of thinking about Customer Service, Social Media, PR, marketing and advertising. The New York Times has called him “a PR all-star who knows everything about new media and then some,”. Peter is a spectacular example of what happens when you merge the power of pure creativity with  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a dose of adventure, and make it work to your advantage. In my opinion, his thoughts about customer service and how businesses can use customer service to […]

Book Recommendation: Sprinkles – Creating Awesome Experiences Through Innovative Service

In this short, sweet and highly insightful book, Chip Bell takes us on a 9 course gourmet meal and shows us how one can go about creating innovative service experiences without breaking the bank. He also shares with us his secret sauces that when added in the right measures have the potential to create service experiences that are worthy to be shared by the customers who experience them. What is even better is that every single time that you read the book, you end up getting a new idea that you could implement in a business quickly and have an […]