Guest Post: Customers Love Fireplace-like Service

  Today, we have a guest post from Chip R. Bell. He is a renowned keynote speaker and best-selling author.  Here is Chip’s post about great customer service: I admit it! I am a hopeless romantic. So, I see things through “Nicolas Sparks” eyes. And, fireplaces are a great venue for most people of my persuasion. Picture this: you are with your special person, you each have a glass of great wine in hand, there is amorous music softly playing in the background. What’s missing from this scene? A fireplace! There is no such thing as a bad fireplace. And, fireplaces generally […]

The Importance of Setting the Right Expectations

Let me start this with another Mulla Nasruddin tale: Mulla Nasruddin was walking by a market when his friend told him about the great fair happening in the city hall and how everyone is going to see it.. So, Mulla decided to join in.. It was a fashion show and beautiful models, all dressed up, were seen walking the ramp. Sometime later, a fuming Mulla stormed out of the city hall. When his friend saw him storming out, he followed Mulla and asked him what got him so angry and worked up? Mulla said – They show all these beautiful women walking […]

Customer Engagement Vs Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement Vs Customer Engagement

Yesterday, I went for my regular, monthly haircut and this time chose a different hair dresser from my usual one. For the first few minutes the dresser was talking to me, enquiring how my day was, wanting to check what my expectations were and also about where i lived. Couple of minutes in, one of his colleagues walked in and they both started having a conversation about something that was common between both of them, totally ignoring me. Though, I think that the result of the hair cut was better than I expected, I don’t think I will be going back […]

Guest Post: How Amazon Wins: Low Prices Don’t Require Bad Customer Experiences

In 2005 CustomerThink gave a customer-centric leadership award. In an acceptance letter, Craig Berman, Amazon’s director of platform and technology communications, said: It is simply in our DNA to approach our business by starting with the customer and working backward, and for the past ten years we have stayed laser-focused on this core principle. In the following years, has shown that customer-centricity is more than a slogan. The company keeps innovating to serve existing customers by expanding what it sells and how consumers access its content (e.g., Kindle). But it has also been a pioneer into new markets […]

Whats Worse Than Delivering A Bad Customer Experience?

Ignoring a customer who after having a bad experience, makes the effort to share his feedback to help you understand where did the slip up happen. Last week, I blogged about my not so great experience of watching a movie at INOX Cinemas. I  shared my feedback to the cinema by the following methods: I gave my feedback to the employees there at the cinema itself. I tweeted my blog post (and tagged their official twitter account)  which not only chronicled my experience but also shared some ideas about how they could learn from the same and improve the overall […]