Can CIO’s or CTO’s become Agents of Innovation or Transformation

Recently, Dan Burrus wrote a couple of blog post for HBR, where he expects that  CIO’s and CTO’s to embrace new roles within their organizations. He expects and the CIO’s should embrace the role of Chief Innovation Officer and CTO’s to embrace the role of Chief Transformation Officer. I do agree that this is an unprecedented opportunity, the current times requires organization to find ways to foster innovation, I don’t agree that every organization needs to start on a transformation journey. There are industries that are currently at the cusp of major transformations (Print media, automotive, retail). Organizations in these […]

Why are We Unable to Solve Large Complex Challenges

Recently, Dan Burrus wrote a blog post about a new technology that has the potential to have a big impact on the future of energy. Though, this is good news, I am disturbed with the trend that this represents. All of us look to solve these big challenges with break through innovation. At times this works, but a lot of times, they don’t. Even when they work, these are very expensive solutions and need systemic changes for them to be successful. Though, I don’t argue with this approach, what is not acceptable for me is to only look for such […]