Failed Leadership

There has been enough said about the post office scandal in UK. Dave Trott talks about his perspective on the same here. You can read more about the scandal on BBC’s site here or watch the documentary here. Seven HUNDRED innocent people were accused of fraud or outright theft. A few of them gave their lives out of shame, some served prison sentences, a lot of them paid from their own pockets {out of shame} and a very few fought against the allegations and proved that the entire issue was due to a bug in the software. All this, while […]

What can we learn from Bertha Benz?

I recently read a blog post by Dave Trott and was blown away by the story of Bertha Benz and the role she played in the wide-spread adoption of motor vehicles. You can read his post here. The story, in short, is as follows: Karl Benz built his internal combustion engine based vehicle (3 wheeled) and was continuing to iterate to try and make it perfect, without being able to sell them. Bertha at one point in time lost her patience with this continuous tinkering and decided to take things in her own hand. One fine day, early in the […]

Pushing Beyond the Obvious

In a recent blog, advertising legend Dave Trott shares the story of the insight that led the Wright brothers succeed in recording the first human flight in history, while everyone else struggled and failed. The key insight was that they understood that it was not the air under the wings that powered the flight but it was the lack of air above the wings that sucked the aircraft upwards. This was going against all known wisdom of the day. So, there is a time and place for following conventions and there is a time and place when defying conventional thinking […]