Guest Post by Tom Morkes: The Five Pillars of Authority

This is a guest post by Tom Morkes. Tom is the CEO of Insurgent Publishing, a book publishing and marketing company that brings unconventional nonfiction to the creative outliers of the world. Insurgent Publishing has published a half dozen books, including Paid to Exist and The Money Freedom Roadmap, both by Jonathan Mead, The High-Performance Athlete by Dr. Jason Winkle, and The Growth Hacker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Jeff Goldenberg and Mark Hayes. Now, to the post itself.. Hope you enjoy reading this post from Tom and join us (yes, I am speaking as well) at the Authority Summit slated for later […]

Changing the face of retail distribution of oil in India

I was in Mumbai today and was going back from the airport to my hotel in a cab. The cab driver stopped at a fuel outlet to fill-up his tank. It took us about 15-20 mins to get the tank filled up and start our journey back to the hotel. While waiting, I asked him if we could not fuel up at some other outlet rather than wait in the que at this outlet. He responded that the next petrol outlet was about 5-6 kms away and was not enroute to the hotel. He also said that wherever you go, […]

Business opportunity for Gillette

Today, I went to a barber shop to get a haircut and a shave. I must say that I was not surprised to see that the barber shop was still continuing to use the regular old shaving blades and had not upgraded to multiple blade products introduced a decade before by Gillette and other such companies. When I asked the barber why he did not upgrade to twin blade or other such razors, he cited the cost of such blades as the reason.  I think that inertia is also one of the reasons. This is how everyone does it and so […]

Understanding Startups – D2O

Today, I came across an interesting start-up: D2O (as in Distribution 2.0). They have already been profiled in Headstart network and yourstory. The name sounds very interesting. The space is also very interesting. They are in the process to create a product agnostic distribution network which can distribute any product nationwide. They have started operations in Mumbai and are seeking to scale-up. My take on the start-up is as below. The most important aspect of any successful business is the business model. Let me try to put in my understanding of their business model: Value Proposition: Re-define conventional distribution networks […]