Leadership Effectiveness – Questions to Ask of Ourselves

As leaders, the way we behave when we are alone or amongst a group is always noticed by everyone around and has an impact whether we like it or not and whether it is intentional or not. So, it is better to be intentional about the kind of impact that we want to have rather than leave that to chance. So, in order to learn how to go about being intentional about the impact my emotions have on people around me, I registered and attended a session on Emotional Intelligence and how we can use the concepts and frameworks to […]

Making the upcoming year our best year ever by becoming the best version of ourselves

First things first… “Wishing you all a very happy 2018 & a year full of wishes coming true! And a big, heartfelt thanks for allowing me to be a part of your life, by giving your time and attention (two of your most important resources) to my work. I truly appreciate this and will always strive to be worthy of this attention. Now, let me get to the reason, why I am writing this post. With every new year comes new year resolutions, goals and aspirations to make the coming year, the best year ever. There are many people who […]